Consultant Aéronautique - Givrage des Aéronefs 


Conseil scientifique et assistance technique dans le domaine du givrage des aéronefs.  

- Systèmes de détection de givre ou de conditions givrantes, 
- Systèmes de protection contre le risque de givrage,
- Règlementation givrage et certification des systèmes.


- Givrage en vol des Aéronefs,

- Givrage au sol lors des phases de taxiing,

- Méthodes de détection et systèmes de détection de givrage,

- Règlementations et certification des systèmes (spécifications CS25 ou exigences règlementaires 14 CFR Part 25).

Prestations de Services

Assistance scientifique et technique pour l’installation des systèmes de détection givrage incluant les analyses et les démonstrations nécessaires à la certification (spécifications CS25 ou exigences règlementaires 14 CFR Part 25). 

Prestations de Services en lien avec les problématiques de givrage en vol ou au sol des aéronefs.  


Une expertise aéronautique de plus de 25 années dans le domaine du givrage des aéronefs en vol ou au sol lors des opérations aeroportuaires. 
15 années d'expérience en tant que Directeur d’un service de recherche au sein de ZODIAC Aerosystems (maintenant SAFRAN Aerosystems). Responsable des développements technologiques pour les systèmes de détection givrage et protection contre le givrage mais aussi pour des equipements d'avionique modulaire et des systèmes de jaugeage de carburant. 
Président du groupe de travail EUROCAE WG95 pour la définition et rédaction d’un « Minimum Operational Performance Standard » pour les systèmes de détection givrage (2013 - 2017). 

Minimum Operational Performance Standard (MOPS) 

 for Inflight Icing Detection Systems (FIDS)

The European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) and the SAE International (SAE) worked jointly from 2013 to 2017 in the preparation of Inflight Icing Detection Systems Standards (EUROCAE ED103A and SAE AS5498A) to address new airworthiness authority rulemaking and guidance, with a focus on the following areas:

  • Requirements for CS-25/14 CFR Part 25, Appendix C (Supercooled Drops), CS-25/14 CFR Part 25, Appendix O (Supercooled Large Drops) and CS-25 Appendix P / 14 CFR Part 33 Appendix D (Fully glaciated Ice Crystals and Mixed Phase conditions), associated regulatory changes, and means of compliance, 
  • New FIDS FUNCTIONS in relation with Appendix O and /or Appendix D/P conditions,  
  • Rationale between the FIDS response time requirements and the time requirement to annunciate presence of ice accumulation or icing conditions to ensure safe Aircraft operations,  
  • Comprehensive test conditions to verify the compliance of the FIDS FUNCTIONS with functional requirements,  
  • Guidance to analyze local FIDS conditions Vs Aircraft critical surfaces conditions e.g. critical temperature, freezing fraction, local installation factors, etc. 
  • Process / Guidance to verify FIDS performance when Installed on A/C  
  • Considerations for revised certification and qualification requirements,  
  • Specific considerations for the installation of FIDS on ROTORCRAFT.

EUROCAE ED103A and SAE AS5498A are technically identical, coordination was achieved between the EUROCAE Working Group 95 (WG95) and the SAE AC-9C 'Aircraft Icing Technology' committee.

Please, visit the EUROCAE or SAE websites where the documents can be purchased :
    1. CHAPTER 3 : Specifies the FIDS Requirements and the Maximum allowable FIDS Response Time - ED103A Section 3.4 Equation (1), (SAE AS5498A Section 3.4 Equation 2)  and the Discrimination Time - ED103A Section 3.4 Equation (2), (SAE AS5498A Section 3.4 Equation 1). 
    2. CHAPTER 5 : Provides Test Procedures to verify the FIDS Performance and the FIDS Response Time and Discrimination Time requirements when the FIDS is exposed to various environmental conditions. ED103A Table 8 and Table 9 (or SAE AS5498A Table 1 and Table 2)  provides the list of environmental conditions to be tested and the associated maximum allowable Response Time and Discrimination Time.
    3. APPENDIX A1.1: Describes a method to calculate the two key parameters: ß  (Drops Collection Efficiency) and η (Freezing Fraction) which are used in Equation (1) and Equation (2) to calculate the FIDS Response Time and the Discrimination Time. Based on the Messinger Equations, the Equations 6 to 9 and the Table 10 in ED103A (Eq. A3 to A6 and Table A1 in SAE AS5498A), allow the ED103/AS5498 user to recalculate ß (Drops Collection Efficiency) and η (Freezing Fraction) for different environmental test conditions than the one given by ED103 Table 8 and Table 9 (or SAE AS5498A Table 1 and Table 2).
THE EXCEL SPREADSHEET: Separatly from ED103A/AS5498A, an excel spreadsheet was used to generate the data contained in ED103 Table 8 and Table 9 (or SAE AS5498A Table 1 and Table 2) of Chapter 5. The working group (WG95) developped this excel spreadsheet to implement the Messinger equations described in the Appendix A1.1. 

In order to support ED103/AS5498 Users, a dedicated tool (ED103 RESPONSE TIME Tool-V4-0.xlsm) has been derived from the WG95 EXCEL SPREADSHEET for anyone who wishes to use the calculation method described in ED103A Appendix A1.1 to calculate their own interpolated or extrapolated requirements if the specific condition was not listed in the document.

The ED103 RESPONSE TIME Tool-V4 "USERS's GUIDE" can be downloaded freely here below:
The ED103 RESPONSE TIME Tool-V4.ZIP can be downloaded here below but the access to the Excel File requires a "Password". In order to get the "Password" you are requested to fill the Contact/Message form here below, with your name, Email address, the name of your company and the reason why you are interested by the ED103 RESPONSE TIME Tool.
Aircraft Icing Consulting Services
Conseils et Formations

la société
9 rue des Soupirs
78640 - Neauphle le Château - France

+33 6 70 14 67 64
Statut Juridique
Entreprise Individuelle au nom de:
François LARUE
Créée le 19 Nov 2018
Activités spécialisées, scientifiques et techniques
Code APE / NAF: 7490B
843 855 123 00017
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